Dear reader,
it's that time of year again, all hallow's eve. Or, more accurately, it was that time of year four days ago. But, better late than never, so I will display for you the assorted delights of the Yarra Becostumed Discotheque. I am, obviously saving the best for last, but I'll take you through the runners-up first, cos I'm a tease.
Jason as Dr. Lectre. |
Cass as a vamp(ire). |
Ellie as a fairy, Jason as an alchie and Cass as a nutjob. |
Aiden as....himself but fat? |
Shane as Bane Al Ghul. |
Smeargle as Slender Man. |
Aspen did not wear a costume. |
Martin as his mother. |
Manthy as Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls. It's ironically skimpy, see? |
Alec as an abortion doctor. |
Milly as a nurse. |
Logan as Not-Joker. |
Jason gives a lectre on the stupidity of having autumn decorations up when it's spring in Australia. |
The 'Pinata'. |
Jess as Corpse Bride. |
Click 'Read More' below to see the bestest hallowe'en costume ever.
I've had various guesses, including Cam from Modern Family, and, perhaps more bizarrely, Kirby. Wrong and wrong; I am, obviously, Professor Umbridge. I know no one who reads this (and probably no one at all) will remember this, but last year I did say I would dress up as her this year. And now I have fulfilled that promise. And I looked fabulous while doing it. So, points for me, I feel.
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