Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Rory, Jason and the knaive of hearts

Adrian has left us, not to return until the spring (or the autumn, as the aussies would call it (freaks)). Behind him, he leaves a string of broken Jasons, who had become fast friends with ole' Goldilocks. But all good things must end, and the two will never see each other again. Ever.
I'm crying on the inside...neato.
In other news, I have now written more works based on Invocal songs than not; if I were a writer of note, this would be of interest but I'm not so it isn't and...where was I going with this? Was I just trying to make myself cry? Well, mission accomplised.
Yes, my writers group had its final meeting on Monday (seems like just yesterday I started my travels with the eleventh doctor, now I'm stuck in past New York), and it all culminated in a reading by actors of the pieces we had worked since August (damn, that's a long time...why was mine so awful?). The reading went well, and the actors certainly gave it their all, but cold readings always lack a certain something, so everyone clapped appropriately, but I'm not sure anyone was entirely satisfied. Alack. Still, it was an incredibly fun thing to be a part of, and I got, like, two friends out of it, so go me. (Gonna go ahead and create tags for 'em- Charlotte and Simon (who already has a quote attributed to him)).

Anything else? Well, uni's being a downer, making me work and such. Oh well, at least I managed to get up before twelve today. Hooray!

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