
Winners of the 2012 'Quotes of the year' competition are highlighted in red.

Jason Boyle
"I had an epiphany about a year and a half ago; see I had always wondered why they were called 'tea spoons' and 'table spoons'..."
"I thought 'alchy' meant 'alchemist'" 
"What's that all aboot?" 
Manthy Carr
"My shoes aren't as old as I thought they were."
Simon Farley
"It reminds me of...did you ever watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"
Aspen Forster
"Isn't it depressing Jason? The only friends you'll ever make, and they'll vanish before your birthday"
"Yes, Dad, 'do it like they do on the discovery channel'."
 Andrew Keegan
"I don't think anyone has ever written to me the phrase: 'Jesus will be ready soon'"
Shane Livesey
"Can't be fucked listening to 'im; just wanna shoot people."
Milly Raso
  "[On Gwen Stacy] She whips her neck back and forth, she whips her neck back and forth"
"Gregor was smelly discharge"
Aiden Rayner
"A pure falcetto is obviously called a 'truecetto'"
"God from Bastards Inc.," 
"He's afraid of the elephant in the room." 
Henry Shaw
"He's a failed time traveler; she's the princess of Liechtenstein- will they ever get together in 'Time to Save Liechtenstein'?"

 Darryl Toh
"Not my fault you're tense"
David John Watton

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