'Twould seem a first is going to be broached while in Oz-land; I have gained my first proper, salaried job.
Laying the foundations for my future. Get it? |
I've had jobs before, obviously- I was the longest serving paperboy the Shropshire Star ever had, thank you very much- but this is my first adult job in that I will be paid a fixed salary and will be working for predetermined shifts (the paper round took me between forty five minutes and two and a half hours- depending on how much I let the OAPs talk at me).
When he started talking he was just a joey. |
I imagine this is going to be one of those facts about me that I think are fascinating but never seem to hold the same amount of interest for anyone else. If I read in one of Stephen Fry's autobiographies that his first salaried
emploi was antipodean in nature, I would have given a 'huh' or a 'fancy that' (I don't think anyone from Cherry Orchard is reading this, but if you are, that was for you); for some undiscernible reason, I do not hold the same sway as Mr. Fry. Alack.
I can't possibly imagine why. |
If you're interested (or, like Daniel, are merely pretending to be interested out of a misplaced sense of gratitude), I'll be conducting telephone surveys for a living. Just like Phoebe in that friends episode. No, wait, she was selling toner. No...no I can't think of anyone who conducted telephone interviews in fiction; I guess I'll be the first. Ever.*
This has been a year of many firsts. |
Of course, having a salary does change the dynamic of this year: if I'm thrifty, I could maybe stay longer; if not, I'll at least have more money to blow on luxuries. Yes, believe it or not, this development could end up extending my stay a further month and a half- my visa isn't up until August 30th. Sadly, my ticket runs out mid-July; I'd can't ask my parents to pay for another ticket just so I can have more jollies, but if I can afford a ticket myself, then there's no guilt attached. It could also mean more travelling (because more money), and will hopefully help stem the holiday blues a wee bit (because something to do). Yes, the implications are endful. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We still need to last the first day.
*That's right, Logan, I went there. Whatcha gonna do about it?
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