Yes, we spent the afternoon frollicking in the piscine (sea-water, not chlorine, don'tcha know?) and then had some lovely grilled meat. There is an Ozzie innovation which I really want to import to British swimming pools called 'whirlpooling'; basically, everyone runs a caucus race until the currents created cause everyone to trip up and be flung around wildly (someone has nearly drowned both times we tried it). I think the old public baths in Edinburgh could benefit enormously from adopting this activity, and it would mean fewer old people and children would show up to spoil everyone else' swimming experience, lest they get caught in the elliptical exodus.
On top of this, I stumbled upon a marriage proposal whilst returning from the city the other day: someone, nick-named 'J-lo', had written out an elaborate love note in chalk for their darling 'crusty' along their walk home (some of which corresponded with mine- I admit to taking a detour to read all of it), leading right to the front door, where I like to imagine J-Lo was waiting with champagne and 'kiss me' blasting on a stereo. I was going to film it and put it on here but a) I thought it was probably a personal thing and b) it was just too long for me to film on my phone- this thing was a friggin' love epic. Incredibly romantic and actually very well punctuated- I sure hope Crusty said yes, there's a keeper if ever I saw one.
Finally, Aspen and I visited the National Opal Museum on Tuesday, which for some reason was Dinosaur themed,

except for one part where there were loads of molluscs hot glued onto the wall (which I didn't photograph). Anyway, I'd love to say I now know more about Opals than anyone could ever possibly need but it really wasn't that informative. If they weren't a museum, I'd say they just wanted to sell opals.
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