Sunday, 30 December 2012

2012: a retrospective

A lot happened this year; TWWOO, the Ten Minuters, the Jesmond saga, the spirit of the butterfly, the dandelion league and the backwards eight...
And, oh yeah, I moved to Australia.
But there was a theme to all of this: I got what I wanted because I made it happen.

I gave a speech at the dress run of TWWOO, saying how the project had been conceived when I'd had a dream the previous November telling me how to do it. I think most of the cast thought I was just being cheesy, but I was deadly serious. I literally made a dream come true- and the funny thing was, I wasn't going to bother. 2011 was such a fuck factory in terms of trying to get stuff on that I was genuinely just gonna let the haters win and give up.
But I didn't- I stopped butting my head against the brick wall that was Bedlam and embraced the pillowy experimentalism of Relief. And that was one of the best decisions I ever made- people actually told me they were sad I hadn't put on more shows. Not only did the show turn out incredibly, but it was a tonne of fun to do, so I chalk that up as a win.

And of course, there's the matter of getting to Australia in the first place; I had forgotten to hand in a very important form, without which essentially I wouldn't be able to enroll in Melbourne. I needed Phoneybone to sign it, but he was away on research. EXCEPT, he was coming back for the graduation party on the day the form needed handing in. I had a choice; sneak into graduation party or risk not going.
I have never felt so underdressed in all my life.

And what about the Ten Minuters? I wasn't going to bother submitting a script- it was an hour before the deadline and I hadn't written anything; I manned up and got to scribin'. And then I wasn't going to audition because there was a film on I wanted to see. Yet again, I did it anyway. I ended up winning awards for both writing and acting. Now who's laughing?

Do you see what I'm saying repeatedly? I got what I wanted because I tried. I'm hoping I can remember that in 2013- because this has been the best year of my life, and I only want it to get better.

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